Sunday 19 May 2013

Restoring Regular Eating Meal Plan- Anorexia Nervosa Recovery

Happy Sunday ed soldiers!

So, I feel slightly in the wrong placing advice for meal plans for anorexia nervous treatment but I am also aware that someone is probably searching for this kind of help of they are unable to get treatment and need something to guide them for the time being. Disclaimer: i am not a dietician, nutritionist, fitness instructor, doctor or psychologist, i have just had the experience of getting various meal plans and this is the one i have been put on for a few days ONLY at the moment. This is merely a guide and will be likely to be suitable for someone who has been on a very low calorie intake for a long period of time, to reduce the risk of refeeding syndrome. However, it should only be followed for a few days and will not restore weight and as it says you may actually lose weight but it aims at restoring regular eating. I will not be posting information on my weight but i will say that i do need to be weight restored.

I have been re admitted into the care of the Michael Rutter centre under the maudsley hospital for anorexia nervosa. I have had two other admissions there, my first being at the age of 13 while I have also been admitted to the priory. I can say great things about Both places but that the maudsley definitely lives up to its outstanding reputation in London. I have been put on the 'restoring healthy eating' meal plan for one week with the sim of basically restoring regular eating and starting the weight restoration process but the weight gained on this meal plan will be hydration. It is a 1500 calorie meal plan which I found terrifying but if giving to a sufferer, it may be reassuring to tell them it is only 1500 calories.
It is based on foods high in calcium to replenish stores and prevent re feeding syndrome (especially if the sufferer has been eating fewer than 500 calories)

After a week on this plan, it will need to be reviewed (if not earlier) and the sufferer will need to go on a meal plan of 2500 calories or more to be fully nourished.

I have attached the images below of the plan (excuse my dads scribbling haha!).
Please ignore the numbers written by the side of the meals

and snacks, this is not correct and was my dad wrongly scribbling... lol.

I hope this may be helpful to some and i will be posting an update on my plan and personally my recovery but this was just a general post with the hope of being helpful to some!
If you have any questions/queries, please feel free to tweet me @HollyDunnX or comment below. 

H x

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